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أسئلة وأجوبة

أسئلة وأجوبةمركز المساعدةالمنزل
الموضوع Please follow steps below to upgrade the template file in MS WORD program.
كاتب تاريخ 2013/05/13 نقر 134
لملف PGLBL065.XML PGLBL065.XML (221.15 Kbyte) download: 883 PGMN065.XML PGMN065.XML (20.81 Kbyte) download: 906

1. Please shut down MS WORD program.


2. Download the attached files - 'PGLBL065.XML' and 'PGMN065.XML' to the wallpaper in your computer.


3. Please copy the downloaded files and then, paste them to the “PAGESIZE” folder following the below installation paths. The existing files will be overwritten.


4. Installation paths


OFFICE 2007, 2010 (OS 32bit) C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14PAGESIZE (OS 64bit) C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14PAGESIZE OFFICE 2013 (OS 32bit) C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice15PAGESIZE (OS 64bit) C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice15PAGESIZE


If you cannot find above the paths, please search “PAGESIZE” folder in your computer.


5. Restart MS WORD program and check the installation

أكتب رسالة قائمة


  • / +82-(0)70-4814-8515, Anita Kim
    جميع الحقوق محفوظة لبرنتك 2012